Golden Week

 My golden week was very busy!I didn’t return to my hometown so I worked hard at my part-time job.And I recently started a part-time job so I felt more hard.
 I work part-time at a restaurant.
 My job was washing dishes,making salads and cutting vegetables!They were very hard but I felt it was very rewarding!!I want to continue to do my best!
p.s.  I broke 2 plates at my part-time job in this week!!!


  1. It's amazing that you're working hard at your part-time job even though it's Golden Week!
    I'll learn from it and start my part- time job!

  2. I think it's amazing that you're doing so much with your part-time job, which you just started!

  3. I want to go back to eat Ayaka's salad^_^

  4. It's hard to work part-time for three days! Good job!!!

  5. It must have been a taugh GW for you. That's great!

  6. You started a part-time job! I think it7s great to work on your day off!


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