
Welcome party

 I went to the badminton club’s welcome party for new students!I ate shabu-shabu, fried food, fried noodles and sashimi!All dishes were delicious so I ate a lot!!I felt very full and happy!!I also had many conversations with senior members of the club and was able to become friends with them!It was a lot of fun!!I was glad that I went to the welcome party!

Strange Carrot

 I came across a strange carrot when I was cooking!It had two stems!!I was very surprised because I didn’t realize that when I bought it!It was very interesting!And I felt lucky!!

Driving a car

    I drove a car for the first time in a driving class.I was very nervous before driving.It was very difficult for me to operate the handle.I want to train more and improve my skills!And I want to be able to enjoy driving!!


Source information  Source/parent Website Just One Cookbook Article Title Omurice Article URL    I decided to make omurice in this article.The reasons why I chose this article are the explanation on how to make looks easy to understand and we can make less ingredients.And this article was written by Namiko Chen.   It was little difficult for me to wrap chicken rice in egg!But I enjoyed to try it and it was a good experience for me.I finished making it in about 20 minutes!I needed green peas but I didn’t find it at the supermarket where I went to.  Strength of this article is we can make less ingredients!The materials are onion,chicken ,ketchup,butter,eggs,salt and pepper ,Worcestershire sauce and rice.I didn’t have only chicken at home,so I went to buy only it.In short,this dish can be made with almost any materials we have at home.  Weakness of this article is it  difficult for beginners to make it. When I read this artic

Good Dinner

 I went to Kourakuen with my friends after badminton club!We ate ramen and gyoza.They were very delicious and made us happy!!And I was very tired today,so they tasted even better!I thought that I had a good dinner.


 I had a sleepover with my friend in this weekend!We met each other after a long interval so we talked a lot until 5a.m.I am lack of sleep but talking with my friend was very fun!!